◆ 打開記錄集。 ◆ 用標準ADO 方法,一步步地走過記錄集。
<% "Create a Query object, initialize it using "SetQueryFromURL, and dump the object state
"set the query object Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
"get the query properties set from the "incoming URL (from the form GET operation) objQuery.SetQueryFromURL(Request.QueryString)
"tell the object what columns to include objquery.columns="filename,HitCount,vpath,DocTitle,characterization"
"open the recordset, causing the query to be "executed set rsQuery = objquery.createrecordset("nonsequential")
"now, if rsquery.eof is not TRUE, then we have results "to show. If it IS TRUE, no results were found.
"get the page out for the user... %>
<html> <head> </head>
<h1>Search Results</h1> A maximum of 200 results will be returned, 20 hits per page will be shown. <br><br> <% if not rsquery.eof then Response.Write rsquery.recordcount & " hit(s) were found. " if rsquery.recordcount > 30 then Response.Write "You may want to refine your query." end if Response.Write "<br>" end if %>
<% if not rsquery.eof then while not rsquery.eof and rowcount > 0 if rsquery("doctitle") <> "" then Response.Write "<p><b><a href="" & rsquery("vpath") & "">" & rsquery("doctitle") & "</a></b><br>" response.write "<font size=-1>" & rsquery("characterization") & "...</font><Br>" Response.Write "<font size=- 2>" & rsquery("hitcount") & " hit(s)</font></p>" end if rowcount = rowcount - 1 rsquery.movenext wend Response.Write "<br><Br>" %>
<% else %>
<p> 對不起,沒有發現紀錄,如果要查詢兩個以上的詞,使用and或or。 </p>
<% end if %>
</body> </html>
Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query") 作者/出處:青蘋果工作室