現時系統的開發,多數都在幾人以上的組合,工合作方式開發,這樣也方便系統的快速開發目的。 而DLL的方法最為方便。我現整理了我的一些這方面資料,希望能幫助一些有需要的同行。
library FIRSTDLL;
uses SysUtils, Classes;
{$R *.RES} // 1.定義函數具體過程和輸出接口方式 // -------------------------------- // 函數 1 // 功能:事數據3倍放大函數 // -------------------------------- function PenniesToSoins(SourceResult:Integer):Integer;stdCall; begin if SourceResult>0 then Result:=SourceResult*3 //結果存放于Result else Result:=SourceResult; end;
exports PenniesToSoins; //2.函數輸出口定義 end.
== ==
二.在DLL中創建Form ======================= 1.一步,創建DLL工程,及加入設置好的Form
library MGRPERSN; uses SysUtils, Classes, MGRPERFM in 'MGRPERFM.pas' {FormPERSON};//1.Form的代碼(與一般的Form一樣)
{$R *.RES} exports ShowPerSN;//2.函數輸出口定義 begin end.
2. 在DLL設定的Form的設置 =========================================== unit MGRPERFM;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, ToolWin, ImgList;
type TFormPERSON = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
//些處的變量不再用,給其改個地方,如下(改變之一) //var // FormPERSON: TFormPERSON;
{ Declare the export function 宣布Form函數出口}//改變之二 function ShowPerSN(AHandle: THandle; ACaption: String):BOOL; StdCall;
{$R *.DFM} //函數據過程定義 function ShowPerSN(AHandle: THandle; ACaption: String):BOOL; var FormPERSON: TFormPERSON; //定義窗體類(上面的放到了此處) begin // Copy application handle to DLL's TApplication object //拷貝應用程式句柄給DLL的應有程式對象 Application.Handle := AHandle; FormPERSON := TFormPERSON.Create(Application);//創建控件TForm try FormPERSON.Caption := ACaption; FormPERSON.ShowModal;//顯示此Form // Pass the date back in Result Result := False; //反回成功值 finally FormPERSON.Free; end; end;
三.DLL中函數及窗體的調用 ========================== 1.調用方法一 -------------- implementation //在此的下方寫明調用函數的DLL
{$R *.DFM} //DLL內函數調用 function PenniesToSoins(SourceResult:Integer):Integer; StdCall external 'FIRSTDLL.DLL';
2.調用方法二 ============== type //在此創建一個函數類 // 1 ------------------------------- { First, define a procedural data type, this should reflect the procedure that is exported from the DLL. } { Create a new exception class to reflect a failed DLL load } TShowPerSN = function (AHandle: THandle; ACaption: String): BOOL; StdCall; EDLLLoadError = class(Exception);//同時分創建一個出錯記錄類 // 1 ------------------------------- TMAINCLTR = class(TForm) //這里不變,系統自動生成
procedure TMAINCLTR.ToolButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var //按鈕的調用事件:調用過程 LibHandle: THandle; ShowPerSN: TShowPerSN; begin Application.Title:='人力資源管理系統DLL文件測試程式'; { Attempt to load the DLL 嘗試裝入DLL文件} LibHandle := LoadLibrary('MGRPERSN.DLL'); try if LibHandle = 0 then raise EDLLLoadError.Create('Unable to Load DLL(無法成功裝入MGRPERSN.DLL)'); @ShowPerSN := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'ShowPerSN'); if not (@ShowPerSN = nil) then ShowPerSN(Application.Handle, '人事資料管理')//呼叫出窗體 else RaiseLastWin32Error; finally FreeLibrary(LibHandle); // Unload the DLL. end; end; ============== END ==================