首先,屏蔽程序中所有的自動錯誤處理,千萬不要出來:“ System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: 服務器無法處理請求。”等錯誤頁面,而應該是一些簡單易懂的東西,俺在此使用的是Duwamish 7.0里的錯誤處理頁面: <body > <H2>An error has occurred</H2> <P>We were unable to complete your request. This failure has been logged with our system administrators, who are currently working to resolve the problem. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this temporary service outage, and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve our web site.</P> </body> 當然,要做到這一點也很簡單,可以在web.config里這樣配置(假如你的錯誤頁面叫Error.aspx): <customErrors defaultRedirect = "Error.aspx" mode="On" /> 這個配置你可以給據你的需要修改(比如mode的值)。
其次,要把錯誤信息寫到日志中去。 我們定義錯誤日志信息的結構如下 public struct ErrorLogItem { public string User ;//當前登錄人 public string AppName ;//應用程序名稱 public string ClassName ;//錯誤發生的類名稱 public string FunctionName ;//錯誤發生的方法(事件)名稱 public string Position ;//錯誤的位置(或其它信息) public string ErrorInfo ;//錯誤信息 public DateTime OccurTime ;//錯誤發生的時間 }
錯誤日志類如下所示: public class ErrorLog { private static ErrorLog _Instance = null ; private static string strRootName ; private static XmlElement xmlRoot ; private static XmlDocument xmlDoc ; private ErrorLog() { Load() ; } private bool Load() { if (!File.Exists(AppGlobal.ErrorLogFile)) CreateErrorLogFile(AppGlobal.ErrorLogFile); if (xmlDoc == null) xmlDoc = new XmlDocument() ; try { xmlDoc.Load(AppGlobal.ErrorLogFile) ; } catch { return false ; } xmlRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement ; if (xmlRoot != null) strRootName = "/" + xmlRoot.Name + "/" ; return true ; } private void CreateErrorLogFile(string strFileName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.Append("<?xml version='1.0\' ?> ") ; sb.Append("<errorlog>") ; sb.Append("</errorlog>") ; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument() ; xmlDoc.LoadXml(sb.ToString()) ; xmlDoc.Save(strFileName) ; } private void AddXmlAttribute(XmlElement xNode,string strAttr,string strAttrvalue) { XmlAttribute xAttr = (XmlAttribute)xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Attribute,strAttr,null) ; xAttr.InnerText = strAttrvalue; xNode.Attributes.Append(xAttr) ; } public void SetErrorLog(ErrorLogItem errItem) { XmlElement xErrorElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement("error") ;
AddXmlAttribute(xErrorElement,"username",errItem.User); AddXmlAttribute(xErrorElement,"application",errItem.AppName); AddXmlAttribute(xErrorElement,"classname",errItem.ClassName); AddXmlAttribute(xErrorElement,"functionname",errItem.FunctionName); AddXmlAttribute(xErrorElement,"position",errItem.Position); AddXmlAttribute(xErrorElement,"occurtime",errItem.OccurTime.ToString("g")); xErrorElement.InnerText = errItem.ErrorInfo ;
xmlRoot.AppendChild(xErrorElement) ; if (xmlRoot.ChildNodes.Count > AppGlobal.MaxErrorLogCount) xmlRoot.RemoveChild(xmlRoot.FirstChild) ; xmlDoc.Save(AppGlobal.ErrorLogFile) ; } public static ErrorLog Instance() { if(_Instance == null) { _Instance = new ErrorLog() ; } return _Instance ; } }//end class
我們可以通過調用SetErrorLog方法來把信息寫到日志中去。 當然,日志的位置以及日志記錄錯誤信息的數量也是可以配置的 <appSettings> <add key="errlogfile" value="c:\ddmsLog.xml" /> <add key="maxerrlogcount" value="1000" /> </appSettings> 我們可以通過下面的方法得到他們的值: public static string ErrorLogFile { get { return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["errlogfile"].Trim() ; } } public static int MaxErrorLogCount { get { return int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["maxerrlogcount"].Trim()) ; } }
再次,我們還要把錯誤信息自動發到我們的信箱中(這一點很重要--至少對我這個項目來說,我不能跑到美國去調試,也不能老是讓老外告訴我發生了什么錯誤) 發送郵件的方法如下: public static bool SendErrorLogMail(string StrTo,ErrorLogItem errItem) { MailLink.Load(AppGlobal.MAIL_CFG_FILE_PATH) ;
string StrName = MailLink.GetNodeText(MAILLINKITEM.USERNAME) ; string StrCode = MailLink.GetNodeText(MAILLINKITEM.PASSWORD) ; string strFrom = MailLink.GetNodeText(MAILLINKITEM.MAILFROM) ; string strSubject = "Error Log" ; string strSmtpServer = MailLink.GetNodeText(MAILLINKITEM.MAILSMTPSERVER) ; string strMailBody = "<div>An error occur </div>" ; strMailBody += "<div>Login User:" + errItem.User + "</div>" ; strMailBody += "<div>Applicatin Name:" + errItem.AppName + "</div>" ; strMailBody += "<div>ClassName:" + errItem.ClassName + "</div>" ; strMailBody += "<div>Function Name:" + errItem.FunctionName + "</div>" ; strMailBody += "<div>Error Position:" + errItem.Position + "</div>" ; strMailBody += "<div>Error Information:" + errItem.ErrorInfo + "</div>" ; strMailBody += "<DIV> </DIV>" ; strMailBody += "<DIV> </DIV>" ; strMailBody += "<DIV>" + errItem.OccurTime + "</DIV>" ;
bool blResult = MailLink.SendMail(StrTo,strMailBody,strSubject,strFrom,StrName,StrCode,strSmtpServer) ;
return blResult ; } 意思大家應該明白,里面具體的一些方法調用大家可以寫自己的代碼來代替。 當然,郵箱地址也是可以配置的: <appSettings> <add key="errorlogemail" value="zl3624@china.com" /> </appSettings> 取出方法: public static string ErrorLogEmail { get { return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["errorlogemail"].Trim() ; } } 最后,是用一個方法來調用寫日志和發郵件的方法: public static void LogAppError(Exception thisErr,string strClass,string strFunc,string strPos,string strUser) { ErrorLogItem errItem = new ErrorLogItem() ; errItem.AppName = "Your AppName" ; errItem.ClassName = strClass ; errItem.ErrorInfo = thisErr.ToString() ; errItem.FunctionName = strFunc ; errItem.OccurTime = DateTime.Now ; errItem.Position = strPos ; errItem.User =strUser ;
try { ErrorLog.Instance().SetErrorLog(errItem) ; SendErrorLogMail(ErrorLogEmail,sb.ToString()) ; } catch { } finally { } throw new Exception("An error occur :"+thisErr.ToString()) ; } 那么,怎樣在程序中捕獲異常哪? 下面是俺的一段代碼: public DataSet GetPrsnInfo(int aiTrx_no,int aiIncid_no,int aiPrsn_id) { try { ddmsWsPInfo.CandiService ddmsCS = new ddmsWsPInfo.CandiService() ; ddmsCS.Url = AppGlobal.WebServicesUrl ; DataSet dsPrsn = ddmsCS.GetPrsnInfo(aiTrx_no,aiIncid_no,aiPrsn_id) ; ddmsCS.Dispose(); return dsPrsn ; } catch(Exception e) { string strErr = "aiTrx_no=" + aiTrx_no + " aiIncid_no=" + aiIncid_no + " aiPrsn_id=" + aiPrsn_id ; AppGlobal.LogAppError(e,"PrsnManager","GetExtraPrsn",strErr,LoginUser.UserID) ; return null ; } }