電腦大家應該不怎么陌生吧!現在電腦已經普及到大多數人的家庭之中了,電腦的用途非常地廣,不同年齡段、不同行業的人對電腦的用處不同。但是對于很多的年輕人來說電腦最大的用途就是玩游戲了。電腦游戲大家肯定玩過吧!它可以使人上癮。 《使命召喚12:黑色行動3》的幀數過低怎么辦?明明自己的配置挺高游戲卻無法體驗到最好的效果。今天為大家推薦一篇《使命召喚12:黑色行動3》提高幀數方法一覽,還在為幀數過低發愁的朋友,快來看看吧。 來自steam BO3社區中心,TA_PCProd,好像是T組的人 Hi everyone, We are super excited to be rolling the game out and we are actively looking through the community feedback. There have been reports of certain i5 CPUs having performance issues causing very low frame rates - We are still working on the final solution for this issue, but we have had reports that changing WorkerThreads = 4 to WorkerThreads = 2 in your config.ini file can help (In the game folder, commonly located here, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\players\config.ini). We have also noticed that some systems may get better input response with FPS Cap set just below refresh rate. If you have a 60hz monitor, you can try enabling Vsync and setting your FPS Cap to 58. -TA_PCProd 意思是I5的CPU會使游戲出現低幀率,方法是在游戲目錄的players文件夾里找到config.ini這個文件,文本工具打開打開,找到WorkerThreads = 4 4改成2,保存 還有刷新率超過幀率的問題,方法是菜單找到配置開啟Vsync,幀率FPS也改成58 玩游戲可以在很大程度上讓大家放松放松,但是我建議大家不要把過多的時間投入到工作當中,因為這樣的話大家很有可能上癮,這樣不利于大家的工作或者是學習。 |